Dr Rudolf Štajner
Rudolf Štajner i Antropozofska teorija zavere
Osnivač antropozofije Rudol Štajner i njegova okultna teorije zavere Zapada
Rudolf Štajner iznosi tvrdnje o teoriji zavere Zapadnih okultnih grupa i loža protiv Istoka i Istočne Evrope. Kako anglo saksonci upravljaju slovenskim narodima i koja reka je granica dve Evrope
Rudolf Štajner (1861-1925) je koliko i zanimljiva toliko i kontroverzna i na kraju tragična ličnost.
Psihoanalitičar Karl Gustav Jung, veliki naučnik i poznavalac ljudskih duša i zapadne mistike, koji je svojevremeno upoznao Rudolfa Štajnera, samo kratko je postavio dijagnozu kao odgovor na pitanje šta misli o Štajneru. Jung je odgovorio: „Šizofrenija. Rudolf Štajner boluje od šizofrenije“.
Teozof, rozenkrojcer, okultista, mistik i adept, a pre svega neumoran, talentovan i energičan, rodjen na Balkanu, u Hrvatskoj, Rudolf Štajner je sve bio samo ne običan. Kao mladić pristupio je sektama koje su propagirale indijsku duhovnost. Praksa kvazi istočnjačke religije i rituali koji su se vežbali kroz škole misterija koje je pohadjao, srušile su njegove prirodne odbrambene duševne mehanizme, i otvorile ga onostranim silama koje su ga posele i koje su iskoristile njegove medijumske sposobnosti i opsednutost radom, da stvore megalomanski sistem Antropozofije, kao neuspeo pokušaj objašnjenja čoveka kroz jednu spiralnu duhovnu evoluciju a sve kao kombinacija kvazi hrišćanstva i teozofije.
Posednutost mnoštvom ideja i opsednutost pisanjem i predavanjima, najtačnije su odredjenje Rudolfa Štajnera. No, u moru svega i svačega, Rudolf Štajner je imao i nekih dobrih dometa, posebno u stvaranju sistema edukacije, u poljoprivredi, igri i drami, iako je i u tim stvarima bilo mnogo kontroverzi i ozbiljnih sektaških zastranjivanja. Na primer, pogledajte samo njegov kulturno duhovni centar Goeteanum u Švajcarskoj, zabrinjavajućeg demonskog izgleda i funkcije, koji je bio spaljen od strane ogorčenih seljaka, pa sve do jezivih agrotehničkih eksperimenata sa proterivanje pacova sa njiva, koristeći njihovu krv, i tako redom.
Ovom prilikom ne želimo da propagiramo Antroposofiju, naprotiv, već ćemo kao istorijsku zanimljivost dati njegova razmišljanja o teoriji zavere, odnosno ko i čime vlada svetom, što je naravno dosledno njegovom okruženju, praksi i senzibilitetu. A i da bi pokazali kako teorije zavere nisu ništa novo na našim prostorima, niti u istoriji. Tekst sa komentarima i delovima iz Štajnerovih predavanje je preuzet sa interneta, na engleskom jeziku je i iz jednog većeg članka – prikaza. Mi objavljujemo samo najinteresantnije delove za sve one koji veruju u teorije zavera, pa da makar čuju i jednu okultnu verziju i shvate koliko je to štetno za čoveka.
NAPOMENA: Iako objavljujemo ovaj tekst, ozbiljno vas upozoravamo da se držite dalje od Antropozofije i ostalih sekti, njihovih učenja, prakse i okupljanja, da vas ne bi duhovno oštetilo.
The Anthroposophical Conspiracy Theory by Rudolf Steiner
Steiner alleged that the political development of the world was controlled by small, secret circles in England capable of manipulating the instincts, thoughts, and feelings of the politicians, and of the general public as well. After the first world war had broken out, he began to say a great deal about these mysterious power centers of the West. In his opinion, these occultists were responsible for the outbreak of the war by lulling the European politicians to sleep and at the same time creating confusion among the European peoples by whipping up their nationalistic, hostile instincts. For this reason, he frequently reminded his audiences that „present-day events“ forced him to reveal information about these lodges and their activities. In 1915 and 1916 he showed a map, and he insisted that he was able to prove that this very map, which showed the frontiers of Europe almost exactly as they were drawn after the armistice in 1918, had existed in England in the 1890’s.
The anthroposophical conspiracy theory is tremendously interesting for several reasons. One such reason is the fact that the British parliamentary system with the ballot box etc. has evolved into a blueprint for all political systems in the world. Another reason is that it provides a unique explanation why English is the leading world language. Furthermore, the theory is fascinating even almost a century later because it claims that our hidden masters possess advanced occult knowledge what the future evolution of humanity is concerned, and that their plans are tremendously long-sighted, reaching into a very distant future. For this reason, the theory is very applicable to the status quo of today.
We begin our quote where Rudolf Steiner is speaking about the political map:
„You will recall that I drew a map here two years ago that is now becoming a reality, and I did not show this map only to you. I presented the map at that time to explain how the impelling forces are moving from a certain side, since it is a law that, if we know these impelling forces, if we take cognizance of them, if we grasp them in our consciousness, they may be corrected in a certain way and given a different direction. It is important that this should be comprehended.
„But no one in a responsible position has taken cognizance of these things, or taken them earnestly in the real sense of the word. Present events certainly show that they should have been taken earnestly.
„Now the fact that must be taken into consideration in connection with these things is that, in regard to certain fundamental laws of world evolution, nothing is actually known in a comprehensive way such that this knowledge is brought into external application anywhere except within certain secret societies of the English-speaking peoples. This is something that is important to observe. Secret societies among other peoples are fundamentally only a matter of empty phrases. Secret societies among the English-speaking peoples, on the contrary, are sources from which truths are acquired in certain ways by means of which things can be guided politically. I may speak of them some time, but it would take us too far afield today. Thus we may say that those forces flowing from these secret societies into the politics of the West move actually in accordance with history. They reckon with the laws of historic evolution. It is not necessary that in external matters everything shall be correct even to the dotting of the last ‘i’. What matters is whether the person proceeds in accordance with historic evolution in an objective sense, or whether he proceeds as a dilettante following his arbitrary notions.
„The politics of Central Europe, for example, were predominantly amateur politics, utterly without relation to any historical law. The politics that were not amateurish, that followed the facts – or, if I may use a crass expression, professional politics – were those of the English-speaking peoples, the British Empire and its annex, America. This is the great difference, and this is the significant point that must be clearly seen. Its importance lies in the fact that what was known in those circles is actually flowing into the world of reality. It also flows into the instincts behind those persons who occupy positions as political representatives, even if they act only out of political instincts. Behind these are the forces to which I am now referring. You need not inquire, therefore, whether Northcliff or even Lloyd George is initiated to one degree or another into these forces. This is not what counts. The decisive question is whether or not there is a possibility that they may conduct themselves in accordance with these forces. They need to take up in their instincts alone what runs parallel with these forces. But there is such a possibility; this does happen, and these forces act in the general direction of world history. This is the essential point, and it is possible to act successfully within the interrelationships of world history only when one really takes up into one’s knowledge what is going on in the manner of the world. Otherwise, the other person, who is acting knowingly in accordance with world history, or causing such action, always has the power, while the one who knows nothing of it is powerless. It is in this way that power may master powerlessness. This is an external occurence. But the victory of power over powerlessness in these things depends, in the last analysis, upon the difference between knowing and not knowing. It is this that must be clearly grasped.“
This lecture was given at the end of 1918, i.e. shortly after the Communist revolution in Russia. Steiner alleged that the secret lodges of the West had turned Russia into a theater for their social experiments, and it looks as if the political development in the East was a very important factor as to why Steiner felt compelled to speak about these lodges and their activities:
„It is important also to see that the chaos now in its initial stages in Central Europe demonstrates how terrible everything was that pretended to bring political order into this chaos but has now been swept away. But what is now happening in Central and Eastern Europe demonstrates that nothing but dilettantism permeates public life in this region. In the West, among the English-speaking population of the world, there is dominant everywhere by no means dilettantism, but – if I may be permitted to use a crass expression – an expert consideration of these things.
„This is what will determine the form of the history of the coming decades. No matter what lofty ideals may be set up in Central and Eastern Europe, no matter how much good will may be manifested in one or another set of programs, nothing will be accomplished in this way if people are not able to take their departure from the motive forces that are derived in the same or even in a better way from the other side of the threshold of consciousness, just as the motive forces of the West, of the English-speaking peoples, are taken in the last analysis from the other side of the threshold of consciousness.“
* * *
„Within those societies dealing with such occult truths as have a bearing upon reality, the principle was observed, for example, that after the Empire of the Russian Czar had been overthrown for the benefit of the Russian people, a political course would have to be pursued that would provide an opportunity to undertake social experiments in Russia. People will not undertake them in Western countries because in those regions they are not considered advantageous or desirable.
„What has been developed in Russia is, fundamentally, only a realization of what has been purposed in the West. The fact that up to the present time only unskillful socialistic experiments are carried out by non-Englishmen, that things come to realization by all sorts of roundabout paths, is so well-known by these societies that they suffer no serious headaches because of them. They know that the important thing is to bring these countries to the point where socialistic experiments become unavoidable. If these are then conducted in connection with ignorance of the nature of a social order, one then actually forms the social order related to these lands and makes oneself the director of the socialistic experiment.“
Rudolf Steiner died in 1925, i.e. before the Nazis came to power in Germany. It is however tempting to speculate whether German national socialism was some kind of social experiment as well, staged by the secret lodges of the West. It is clear from several of Steiner’s statements that he viewed Germany as especially challenged and threatened by the powers that be. When he says below that „The real being of the German people cannot perish,“ this illustrates that Germany was completely on the defensive and in the claws of hidden manipulators:
„You see, the holding back of a certain kind of occult knowledge that is carefully practiced in these centers gives rise to enormous power. The opposite side cannot save itself in any way from this power except by acquiring this knowledge and confronting this power with it.
„In this field there can be no discussion of guilt or innocence. Here we must speak simply of the inevitable, of things that must come to pass because they already exist under the surface, because they are at work in the realm of forces that are not yet phenomena. They are already forces, and will become phenomena.
„Surely I need scarcely emphasize that I hold fast to what I have always asserted. The real being of the German people cannot perish. This real being of the German people must search for its path but it is important that it shall be able to find its path, that it shall not follow false roads in its search, and shall not search in ways where there is no knowledge. Do not interpret, therefore, what I shall now say in such a sense as to make it in the least contradictory of what I have asserted over a period of years. Things always have two sides and what I have indicated to you is, in large measure, a matter of the will. It is possible for this to be paralyzed if forces are brought into play also from the opposite side but these forces rest upon knowledge, not upon an amateurish lack of it.
„You see the essence of the thing is that if no resistance is raised from the East, and by the East I mean the whole region lying from the Rhine eastward even into Asia, British world domination will develop after the destruction of the Roman-Latin French element in the way intended by those forces that I have indicated once more today, as I have frequently done already, as lying behind their instincts.
„The really important fact is that in groups in the West who keep their knowledge secret the greatest pains are taken to see that things shall develop in such a way as to insure under all circumstances the mastery of the West over the East. Whatever people may say today on the basis of their consciousness, the goal striven for is to establish a caste of masters in the West and a caste of economic slaves in the East, beginning with the Rhine and extending eastward all the way into Asia. This does not mean a caste of slaves in the ancient Greek sense, but a caste of economic slaves organized in a socialistic way to take up all sorts of impossibilities in the social structure that then shall not be applied among the English-speaking peoples. The essence of the matter is to make the English-speaking peoples into a population of masters in the world.“
* * *
Malo ste suvise kriticni prema majstoru Steineru. Sta reci za doprinose njegove u formiranju Waldorfske skole, euritmije, biodinamicke poljoprivrede i antroposofske medicine.
Sve sto je trenutno aktuelno i zdravo.
„Od Svetog Ilije sunce greje milije“
Iz moje pecaroske i primitivno zaverenicke perspektive, primecujem da ovaj text objavljen na Svetog Iliju, nesto govori. A moji East people instinct mi govori da je poceo sumrak West english speaking people, i da se civilizacija seli polako na Istok. To se desava polako, i napecacu se ja mnogo ribe dok se to ne desi u realnosti, ali kako istocni anticki filosof rece: „Panta rei“.
Stajner je jadana dusa, i ma koliko je neke stvari razumeo, sustina mu je promakla. Bavio se okultnim psihickim bizarnostima, a da nije naucio da peca, jer dok pecas molis se Bogu za kojeg sarana kapitalca i gledas put horizonta, pa sagledavas svet u celosti.
/quote/ Iako objavljujemo ovaj tekst, ozbiljno vas upozoravamo da se držite dalje od Antropozofske i ostalih sekti, njihovih učenja, prakse i okupljanja, da vas ne bi duhovno oštetilo./end of quote/ :)
Moj savet bi bio da ako mislite da bi nesto stetilo to i ne objavljujete. Samo ljudi sa jakim duhovnim osnovama mogu da se upuste u izucavanje „neprijatelja“ a ovo je javno glasilo dostupno svakome. Em prizivate one koje ne ljubite em u iskusenje stavljate duhovnu nejac.
Izvinite, koji je smisao ovog teksta? Nije dovoljno nagadjanja dnevno objavljenih u Srbiji?
Neki čitaoci ne očekuju da v njihovo ime
„objavljujemo samo najinteresantnije delove za sve one koji veruju u teorije zavere, pa da makar čuju i jednu okultnu verziju i shvate koliko je to štetno za čoveka“.
Ja ne verujem u teoriju zavere i nisam očekivala te prljavština na jednom LifeStyle Blogu sa šarenim cvetićima – no promakla mi je reč, da se radi o Balkanskom, dakle – sve će proći blogu, ili kako?
Verujem da svatko od nas kao odrasla osoba može da shvati šta je štetno za njega. Gosp. Anonimni Autore, duhovni gnjavatore, lepo si zaradjujete život! Radite što ne znate da radite (tekst vam je katastrofa,a isečci bez navedenog izvora) uz to se bavite propovjedanjem iliti sebičnim ispoljavanjem svojih nagadjanja.
Ako se toliko jezite od „agrotehničkih eksperimenata sa proterivanjem pacova sa njiva, koristeći njihovu krv“, moram da Vas ohrabrim, da ste srećni što ne znate kakve mere preduzimaju agro- farma- i naftna industrija čijim se proizvodma dnevno služite.
Možda sledeći put napišete tekst koji za polazište uzima neki od aktuelnih problema u svetu, kao što je gornji, i koje praktične alternative se u bilo kojem kontekstu upražnjavaju. Ako ne možete da jih podnesete, uporedite ih argumentima … npr… Štajner je ubio pacova da protera ostale s njive…Ja, naprotiv, više se slažem sa ovom metodom laboratorijskih testova na stotinama pacova, kako bi se postiglo to i to…
Morala sam da se javim jer me zgušljiva atmosfera ovog članka podseča na nešto čega se klonim u velikom luku, na nešto veće od Štajnera… Taj večiti lov na veštice!
PS: Nadam se da Bio kultura uskoro i u Srbiji i na Balkanu omogući organskim seljacima pristojan život i cenjenu profesiju! Isto želim i novinarima koji to ime zaslužuju.
@ El direttore
Mislimo da smo bili realni u prikazu Steinera, a njegove discipline o kojima govorite su jos uvek i posle mnogo decenija pod velikom kritikom naučnih krugova i vrlo kontroverzne. Prihvataju ih New Age sledbenici koji po definiciji nekritički prihvataju sve što je alternativno, drugačije, mističnije, sve što nazovi ima neki spiritualan smisao, a da nisu svesni izvora toga. Ozbiljna nauka nije prihvatila Steiner-a iako je prošlo dosta decenija.
@ X i @ Hana
Objasnili smo u uvodu zbog čega je post postavljen. Hteli smo da prikažemo da isti obrazac teorija zavera koji postoji pre jednog veka postoji i danas. I kao zanimljivost, istakli smo da je ovo teorija zavere koja je prostekla iz okultizma a ne iz geopolitičkih, nacionalnih, tržišnih, ili nekih drugih razloga.
Napomenuli smo vrlo jasno i glasno u tekstu šta mislimo o temi, i o tome da se treba čuvati ovakvih ideologija, odnosno imati neko znanje i kritički osvrt prema stvarima koje vam prilaze. Nivo znanja koje neko poseduje odredjuje i njegove odluke, prihvatanja ili odbijanja mogućnosti koje mu se nude.
Mi ne mislimo da su veštice i vešci poput Steiner-a romantična bića koja zaslužuju poštovanje i pažnju. Njih se treba kloniti, i znati zašto ih se kloniti. Malo dobrog koje se može naći u njegovim delima ne može zaseniti mnoga zastranjivanja.
Pokusala sam da ga (Stajnera) citam svojevremeno na nagovor prijateljice koja je bila sklona raznim duhovnim pokretima, ali priznajem da mi je bilo vrlo smarajuce i konfuzno. Covek je jednostavno mnogo glagoljiv i stalno koristi vise reci od potrebnih. Tesko ga je pratiti, jer stalno mu misli negde idu, van teme. Kada procitate par njegovih knjiga, jednostavno ne znate sta vam je u stvari rekao ili hteo reci.
Ono sto me je tada bilo zaintrigiralo su bile teorije o pracivilizacijama, i fazama razvoja zemlje. Posle sam otkrila da je to sve preuzeto od Madam Blavatski a tek sada ima tih i slicnih teorija koje mesaju Atlantidjane, Lemurijance, sa vanzemaljcima kao sto su Grejsi, Reptili, Andromedjani, pa stupidne teorije o Kasiopejcima. Na kraju shvatie da u tim teorijama nema kraja, da su im poceci i izvori vrlo sumnjivi a da se sve negde vrte oko iste price ljubav – svetlost – duhovnost.
Sada je potpuna konfuzija sa tim alter teorijama, da mi je postalo jasno da je to sve jedna velika i globalna prevara. Kao i teorije zavere o kojima se ovde pise. I da poticu od ljudske sklonosti i slabosti da preteruje, izmislja i stvara mitove.
A zato se tako mnoze masonske loze kod nas! Sada i zene ulaze u masone, postoje loze i za njih. Pa ti sa Zapada pridosli Jehovini svedoci, Mormoni koji veruju u vanzemaljce, Sajentoloska crkva sa naucnim ispiranjem mozga, Moonova sekta, pentakostalci, Hari Krisna TM i Maharisi sekte made in West, satanske rok grupe iz Finske, Amerike i Engleske, droga, sex i rockenroll.
Jel to ima neke veze sa ovim textom, trep, trep?
Geteanum je spaljen od nacista ne od vrednih poljoprivrednika.
Biodinamicka poljoprivreda preteca je organske…
Waldorf skole i vrtici danas sve vise poznati i priznati…
Camphill zajednice kojim ima na hiljade i koje se brinu o nedovoljno razijenim osobama….
Ne bi bilo lose pre pisanja jednog ovakvog clanka da posvetite barem malo vremena proucavanju Stajnerovog lika i dela
@ Mladen
Gaetanum je spaljen od konzervativnih švajcarskih seljaka iz okoline koji su bili zgroženi izgledom zgrade i time da se jedna okultna sekta doseljava u njihovo strogo kalvinističko selo. Nikakvih tu nije bilo nacista, ako ćemo pošteno.
Biodinamička poljoprivreda ima konceptualne dodire sa organskom poljoprivredom delimično, jer se izbegavaju hemijska sredstva zaštite, ali nije nikakva preteča. Organska poljoprivreda se ne bavi mesečevim fazama, vibracijama krvi, astralnim uticajima planeta.
Waldorf skola ima sve više, šire se, posebno u Rusiji, ali nisu nigde priznate i pouzdane, posebno zbog ideološkog dela koji se propagira u takvim školama.
Camphill zajednice su deo antroposofske misli i tretiraju se kao i slične zajednica pri verskim ili sektaškim pokretima.
Dugo godina je lik i delo Štajnera bilo proučavano pre nego što stvorio sud o njegovim dometima, koji nesumnjivo postoje, ali su zastranjivanja mnogo veća i dublja.
Znamo da ova tvrdnja vredja sve njegove simpatizere ali je treba reći, jer je bazirana na iskustvu praktikanta iz prve ruke, ne na knjiškim ocenama. I napisana je da bi nekoga ko misli da u antroposofiji leži rešenje ili duhovno spasenje probudilo na vreme.
Zgrožavam se kada vidim kada ljudi ograničenih sposobnosti grčevito pokušavaju da postignu nešto blateći lik i delo nekog ko je mnogo uradio za vreme svog života, što osobi koja je autor ovog teksta verovatno neće poći za rukom nikada. Pre nego što objavite nešto javno, potrudite se da to bude i argumentovano. Ljudi nisu ovce da ih trujete. Prvo, Antroposofija ne nudi rešenje ili duhovno spasenje već malo ljudima otvara oči da je to sve sto trazimo zapravo u nama samima. Zaboravilo se na ljubav, saosećanje, otvorenost uma i srca. Što se tiče praktikanata koje navodite i njihovom iskustvu, ne želim ni da komentarišem jer nisu otišli dalje od ega. Zato sve i zvuči ovako bljutavo i površno. Neće vam ni Štajner ni bilo ko na ovom svetu pomoći ako ne otvorite oči sami. Okanite se predrasuda,već dajte ljudima nešto čime bi hranili dušu.