Iz filma Hrabro srce – Govor za pobedu

William Wallace škotski srednjovekovni junak, nazvan hrabro srce, u istoimenom filmu se obraća Škotima pred bitku sa Englezima. Motivacioni govor za sva vremena


Kolika je snaga reči i njihova moć da vas motivišu ka dodatnom naporu, da vam uliju volju i rešenost. Podsetimo se jednog govora koji je presudio jednu veliku istorijsku bitku.

Kada je srce uplašeno i sumnja, onda samo velike reči ili dela mogu da ga ponesu i uznesu do hrabrosti i pregnuća.

Barem mi u Srbiji, počev od Kosovskog boja i reči Kneza Lazara svojim vitezovima o borbi, stradanju i Carstvu Nebeskom, znamo da cenimo reči koje uzdižu.

Kako to rade Škoti, pogledajte u tekstu na engleskom i na video klipovima.

Glumac Mel Gibson - film Hrabro srce

Glumac Mel Gibson – film Hrabro srce


Sons of Maryland!

I am William Wallace.  I come here today as ye sit on the eve o’ battle.  The largest battle o’ the year, laddies!  A battle for yer tournament lives!  If you be winnin this one, you may well find yerselves on the path to glory.

The Demon Deacons from the Forest of Wake are comin.  And they are a formidable foe.  Aye, tis true.  Everyone knoos aboot Jeff Teague.  He’s a first-team all-ACC soldier on my soldiery ballot.

So they have good guards.  But so have we.  I hoop Grrrreivis is equal to the mooment.  We wull see now woon’t we.  Aye, we wull.

But in the meantime, the real problem for the Terps tonight is the bigguns.  Aye, the bigguns.  I ask ye.  What’ll they do aboot the Bigguns!?!?   They’ve a three-headed giant in 6′9″ James Johnson, and 6′9″ Al-Farouq Aminu, and the 7′0″ Chas McFarland.  Together they’re nae 20 feet high if they’re an inch!  The first two are in the top 10 in ACC in rrrreboondin!  Where does Maryland rank?   Dear sweet Jesus, where do they rank?   LAST?  Dead last in the conference in reboondin margin?!?!?  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, laddie.   The bigguns are gonna ride right over ye!!  How wull you stop em?

I’ll tell ya how.  I see a whole army of my fellow fans, here, in support of their players.  You have come as free men, Terps.  And free men you are.  You controol yer oon destiny, men!   And yer pleein in yer oon backyard.  Will yer countrymen come to support ye?   Will they be full of throat and loud of tongue and besotted with whiskey?  I hoop soo.

Now, for the bigguns.   I once made spears twice as long as a man.  They stopped a charge of heavy horse.  May Landon Milbourne and Big Dave Neal now build those spears in their minds.   Here’s hoopin the mind spears will stand up to the charge of the Demon Deacon bigs, a charge so fierce it shakes THE VERY GROOND!!!   So that’s what I got for ye on that, is  mind spears.

So aye, yes, tonight wu’ll see what stuff they’re meed of.  It’s all one game, laddies.  Fight, and you may die.  Run, and you’ll live.  At least for a while.  But when yer dyin’ in yer beds, many years from now, would ye be willin to trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance — JUST ONE CHANCE — to come back to the Coomcast Center?   So that ye could tell yer enemies, that they may take our lives.  BUT THEY’LL NEVER BURST……OUR BUBBLE!



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Motivacioni govor pred bitku – film Hrabro srce

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Muzička tema iz filma „Brave heart“ – Hrabro srce

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