Honey – different natural honeys and healing potential
The list of the best-known honeys which are produced from one flower. How one honey have influence on immune system and health
Currently the honeys commercially available are different and they can be summed up thus, while it remains true that no potential anti-neoplastic activity has been noted on an apoptotic basis (or an immune-stimulating one) due to the flowers from which the honey comes; what is more, some of the honeys could contain excessive amounts of glucose, so it becomes dangerous to take them (evaluation of risk/benefit with the amount taken of the effective active principle).
It is therefore useful to list the best-known honeys which are produced from one flower: (Taken from “Honey, a miracle of nature, curative properties, uses and recipes with honey, pollen and Royal jelly” (Miele, un miracolo della natura, proprietà curative, usi e rimedi con miele, polline e pappa reale, Demetra S.R.L. March 1997 edition, 3712 Bussolengo, VR, pp. 21-24).
1) Fir honey (Abies): a very dark color, almost black, very aromatic, with a pleasant flavor. It is considered an excellent antiseptic for the lungs, and the respiratory system (bronchitis, tracheitis, rhinitis and influenza), able to produce anti-pyretic, expectorant and spasmolytic effects.
2) Acacia honey: a clear color, amber, transparent, a sweet smell, a delicate flavor and a liquid aspect. It is particularly indicated for infants and children, particularly if they have inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal systems, provided that it isn’t pasteurized. It is rich in levulose making it very tolerable for diabetics, in small doses. It also has a mild laxative effect.
N.B. According to the author levulose is compatible, in small doses, for neoplastic patients too.
3) Orange honey (Citrus aurantium): a clear color, perfumed, a pleasant flavor. It has antispasmodic and sedative attributes which make it advisable in cases of nervousness, anxiety and insomnia: It has cicatrizant power and is indicated in the treatment of ulcers.
4) Hawthorn honey (Crataegus oxyacantha or monogyna): a slight amber color, a sweet and pleasant flavor, perfumed, a slight granular aspect. It is called “ the honey of heart patients”, because it is prescribed in cases of hypertension, palpitations, Angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, spasms and convulsions. It is also indicated for insomnia. It is thought to have an anti-cancer action.
5) Chestnut Honey (Castanea vesca or sativa): there are both nectar and honeydew types, it is a dark brown color, varying from a light nut color to a dark almost black nut color, it has a strong, bitter smell and the flavor is bitter, often with a sticky consistency. It is particularly rich in mineral salts. It is known for its sudorific, expectorant and stimulant properties. It is prescribed for anemia, tiredness and for people overweight.
6) Colza honey: a pale, orange color, not much smell, a bland flavor, average granulation, quick crystallization. It does not have a good reputation and is mainly used in the food industry.
7) Arbutus berry honey (Arbutus unedo): a characteristic of the Mediterranean scrub, it has a white or grey-green color and a penetrating smell, it has a very bitter flavor and a thick consistency. It is an astringent, a diuretic, an antiseptic for the urinary passages and anti-asthmatic.
8) Lucerne/Alfalfa honey (Medicago sativa): an intense yellow color. It has anti-spasmodic, diuretic, laxative, tonic and energetic properties.
9) Heather honey: there are different types of heather honey. Generally their color varies from clear amber to dark red, a semi-liquid consistency, a particular flavor and a strong smell. It is rich in mineral salts and has diuretic and anti-rheumatic properties. It is a disinfectant for the urinary passages and a restorative. Its effectiveness against gout has been proved.
10) Eucalyptus honey (Eucalyptus globulus): the color varies between clear and grey-brown, it has a particularly aromatic flavor and fine granulation. It is one of the richest honeys in enzymes. It is known for its anti-asthmatic, anti-catarrh, and anti-spasmodic properties. It is an emollient, a cough soother, an antiseptic for the respiratory tracts, the urinary passages and the intestine. It is effective against urinary cystitis. It is also used as a vermifuge and a cicatrizant for mouth sores.
11) Strawberry honey (Fragaria vesca):a light rosy nut color. It has anti-rheumatic, digestive and diuretic properties. It is particularly indicated for those who suffer from kidney stones.
12) Sunflower honey (Helianthus annuus): an intense yellow color. It has diuretic, stimulant, exudative and (particularly in children) anti-pyretic properties.
13) Lavender honey (Lavandula officinalis) a white color, with a pleasant and perfumed smell, a delicate flavor, an oily consistency. It can be used for external use for burns, insect bites and infected sores; it is in fact an excellent antiseptic, recommended in cases of infectious diseases. It is also a diuretic, vermifuge and good for insomnia.
14) Rosemary honey (Rosmarinus officinalis): it has an almost solid consistency and is very grainy, it is from white to pale gold in color, a pleasant smell and a delicate flavor. It is the best honey for those who have hepatic problems: it helps the decongestion of the liver, the regression of jaundice and it helps an insufficient liver to work well, in short it helps against all the infectious diseases of this organ such as viral hepatitis. It is a good overall stimulant, and is prescribed in cases of tiredness, it is excellent for the stomach and the intestine, fighting flatulence, fermentations and colitis.
15) Sulla/French Honeysuckle honey: a clear color, almost white, fine crystallization, it has a delicate flavor. It has laxative, diuretic, tonic and depurative properties. It is an excellent honey for culinary use because it does not alter the flavor of the foods it is added to.
16) Lime honey (Tilia tomentosa, cordata, argentea): a pasty consistency, the color varies from light yellow to light green and brown in the case of honeydew, it has a strong smell: It has calming and anti-spasmodic properties, it is therefore recommended in cases of nervousness and insomnia.
17) Thyme honey (Tymus vulgaris): a dark amber color, a strong smell and flavor, irregular crystallization: It is considered a powerful, general antiseptic for use in case of danger from infectious diseases, but also as a disinfectant for the bronchioles and the intestine. It has also been used for inflammation of the uterus.
Source: The book Thousand Plants against Cancer without Chemo-Therapy, author Giuseppe Nacci, M.D