Different worlds and parallel realities of life
Why is existing illusion about better world when we have parallel realities of life
First time I became aware of parallel realities we all live in was when I moved to Sweden, back in the ’90ties.
I could see with „naked eye“ that foreigners and natives live only next to each other, not one with another, mix only when they need to or when circumstances impose it on them, in majority of cases.
Natural curiosity dies as we get older, unless we do it for living.
As for people close to us, somehow we start to take them for granted, stereotype them and judge them more harshly should they fail to fulfil our expectations.
When I went to Sweden, which could be any other country I learned later, after I moved around to Spain and the Netherlands, been back to Serbia as well, I became aware that this self imposed ignorance and parallel reality existed while I was growing up as well, in my own backyard sort to say. But I was oblivious to it.
To recognise it, I only had to remind myself of the people who crossed my life path while I was at the University, who moved from smaller placed in Serbia, to come to live and study in Belgrade.
I was indeed oblivious to them. My excuse was that I had full life, lots of friends, family, my safe heaven and my support system in place that did not allow spare or extra time for new faces. I had no need nor time for them.
When I got into similar situation, once I moved abroad, I came to think about them and placed myself in their shoes and understood them all to well. I understood the instincts for survival and finding your place in a society, all to well.
More than once, that is.
Now that was an easy one.
Two weeks ago I started to think about just how ignorant I have become, at this stage and age in my life.
So I decided to do a little experiment with myself.
I decided to expose myself to all the information that is available on internet that I normally would consider too negative, not „in“ and has no place in my parallel world, on a continuous basis.
I realised that it has to be conscious decision to go as far as I could physically sustain in order to measure it.
So I exposed myself to all the „negative“ information, hard stuff, past experiences, strangers attacks and criticism, none verbal gestures and silence and along the way I was measuring my own reaction, feelings and thoughts.
The conclusion follows:
– everything we do , absolutely everything, no matter how we „pack it“, is to satisfy our own needs, materialistic or none materialistic. as individuals as well as nations.
– in 90 % we look for info that fortifies what we already think
– our parallel realities are our self imposed prison
– we will be accepted with utmost suspicion in 94 % cases in already established circles , where “ roles“ are already taken, even with the purest of intentions
– imperialism has never died
– freedom of Thoughts is the only freedom humans ever had and will ever have
– democracy today – is choosing between the lesser evil
– majority of politicians are ambitious psychopaths
– we , humans, in majority of cases will find any excuse possible to justify our actions and ourselves, the most civilised way been “ no hard feelings“, that bares least responsibilities
– in average we live for 851 months and I will always be amazed what damage we are capable to inflict to our fellow human beings and the planet as we just as we briefly walk this planet.
Summary :
The world is wonderful and crazy place at the same time.
There are good people and bad people, all other divisions are artificial.
Bad people flatter our ego and vanity, good people force us to deal with it .
Self imposed ignorance is unconscious but inevitable choice, a mean to survive.
I only have here and now. Everything else is an illusion.
Ljiljana Arsenijevic
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@ Ljiljana, Mogla si ovo napisati jezikom ovdašnjih ljudi pa da pročitaju i kažu koju reč. Time bi možda nešto naučili a možda bi i ti od njihovih komentara.
– Ovako, ti si ovim tekstom potvrdila prvu tačku u svom zaključku. Pisano da potvrdiš svoju ambiciju i d(p)okazivanje da si saznala nešto što drugi nisu, zar nisu?
– Čovek traži ono što će ojačati ili potvrditi njegovo stanje svesti (shvatanje, poimanje, verovanje). Drugačije i nije moguće. Izvan okvira dosegnutog stanja svesti ni možemo preskočiti ali zato životna iskustva čine dapolako širimo svoje granice, zar ne?
– U tim paralelnim realnostim, mikro svetovima drugih ljudi, vidimo ono što možemo videti – ono što nam dopušta naše stanje svesti (najčešće ono što nam dopušta naše stanje uma koje je ograničeno našim pasijama uma. Bolje rečeno, drugi ljudi su najčešće slika našeg unutarnjeg stanja svesti… ogledalo su našeg unutarnjeg stanja…
– Imperijalizam nikada neće izumreti na ovoj planeti zato što ovde uvek ima nas svih i naraznovrsnijih stanja svesti a sa time ima is vih mogućih pasija uma koje su krive za „imperijalizam“.
– Sloboda ,isli je uslovljena sloboda i ona je ograničena našim nedovoljno razvijenom svešću pa otuda i demokratija. Prava demokratija pretpostavlja visok stepen svesti a sa time i visok stepen odgovornosti za svoje misli, reči i dela.
– Političari baš kao i ostali svet ispoljavaju svoju svest u datim okolnostima – ni bolje ni gore od nas ostalih kada i ako bismo se našli u datoj situaciji (ako nismo poradili na ekspanziji svoje svesti).
– Šta misliš zašto svako traži opravdanje za svoje akcije ili reči? To je ono što znaju svi oni koji su se malo pozabavili popularnom psihologijom.
Hvala na komentaru. Pokusacu da ti odgovorim.
Nisam imala ambicuju da pisem vec je to po prilicno spontano doslo, i naradvno da nisam izuzetak od pravila.
Sve sto radimo radimo zbog sebe
Ne verujem ni da je tvoje pisanje imalo drugaciju motivaciju , tvoj odgovor i tazmisljanja su nastala iz tvoje potrebe , koje je vec na tebi da definises, ja sam procitala reci.
Na svakom jeziku postoje neke imenice, glagoli, reci uopste koje perfektno pristaju opisu, situaciji, imenici. Recimo sutra na srpskom zvuci mnogo bolje nego na engleskom, nekako vise obecava. tako se recimo meni cini.
kao sto svaka zemlja mirise. Srbija ima miris zemlje, Svedska “ promincli “ :-))
otuda i tekst na engleskom, o tome sam na engleskom razmisljala.
Kao deca smo znatizeljni i ne trazimo potvrdu samo naseg stanja svesti. druzimo se sa nama slicnim ali smo spremniji i da experimentisemo … Sta se sa nama desi pa sa godinama utonemo u mentalnu lenjost, ne znam. mogu uvek i samo za sebe da gororim . ja pokusavam da je odrzim, ali kako se godine nizu , tako je vise nepoverenja jer grupe pocinju da budu bas slika i prilika toga sto si rekao. Ostaju knjige da bi se covek setao po raznim paralelnim realnostima .
Takodje postoji i to da treba biti kritican prema sopstvenom razmisljanju . i mozda sebe pitati “ Zasto mislim kao sto mislim “ …
Svi smo danas moderni robovi novcu tako da neke prave demokratije nema.
Svodi se na mogucnost izbora kao najviseg stepana demokratije koje mozemo imati nezavisno da li smo u kapitalizmu ili socijalizmu.
Zasto svako trazi opravdanje za svoje reci i postupke ? – Mozda je tako lakse ziveti sam sa sobom ? Sta ti mislis ?